
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-2
v1.0, November 2010
Auto Install Commands
This section describes the Auto Install Commands. Auto Install is a software feature which
provides for the configuration of a switch automatically when the device is initialized and no
configuration file is found on the switch. The Auto Install process requires DHCP to be enabled by
default in order for it to be completed. The downloaded config file is not automatically saved to
startup-config. An administrator must explicitly issue a save request in order to save the
configuration. The Auto Install process depends upon the configuration of other devices in the
network, including a DHCP or BOOTP server, a TFTP server and, if necessary, a DNS server.
There are three steps to Auto Install:
1. Configuration or assignment of an IP address for the device.
2. Assignment of a TFTP server.
3. Obtain a configuration file for the device from the TFTP server.
show autoinstall
This command displays the current status of the Auto Config process.
(switch) #show autoinstall
AutoInstall Mode............................... Stopped
AutoSave Mode.................................. Disabled
AutoInstall Retry Count........................ 3
AutoInstall State.............................. Waiting for boot options
Format show autoinstall
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
AutoInstall Mode The administrator mode is enabled or disabled.
AutoSave Modet If this option is enabled, the downloaded config file will be saved. Otherwise, administrator
must explicitly issue a "copy running-config startup-config" command in order to save the
AutoInstall Retry
the number of attempts to download a configuration.
AutoInstall State The status of the AutoInstall.