
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-17
v1.0, November 2010
show port all
show isdp neighbors
show logging
show event log
show logging buffered
show trap log
terminal length
Use this command to set the number of lines of output to be displayed on the screen, i.e.
pagination, for the show running-config and show running-config all commands.
The terminal length size is either zero or a number in the range of 5 to 48. After the user-
configured number of lines is displayed in one page, the system prompts the user “--More-- or
(q)uit.” Press q or Q to quit, or press any key to display the next set of <5-48> lines. The
command terminal length 0 disables pagination and, as a result, the output of the show
running-config command is displayed immediately.
no terminal length
Use this command to set the terminal length to the default value.
Format show tech-support
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default 24 lines per page
Format terminal length <0|5-48>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no terminal length
Mode Privileged EXEC