
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Log Messages 8-9
v1.0, November 2010
SSHD SSHD: Unknown UI event in message,
Failed to dispatch the UI event to the
appropriate SSHD function as it’s an invalid
event. XXXX indicates the event to be
SSHD sshdApiCnfgrCommand: Failed calling
Failed to send the message to the SSHD
message queue
Table 8-17: SSLT Log Messages
Component Message Cause
SSLT SSLT: Exceeded maximum,
Exceeded maximum allowed SSLT
SSLT SSLT: Error creating Secure server socket6 Failed to create secure server socket for
SSLT SSLT: Can't connect to unsecure server at
XXXX, result = YYYY, errno = ZZZZ
Failed to open connection to unsecure
server. XXXX is the unsecure server socket
address. YYYY is the result returned from
connect function and ZZZZ is the error code.
SSLT SSLT: Msg Queue is full, event=XXXX Failed to send the received message to the
SSLT message queue as message queue is
full. XXXX indicates the event to be sent.
SSLT SSLT: Unknown UI event in message,
Failed to dispatch the received UI event to
the appropriate SSLT function as it’s an
invalid event. XXXX indicates the event to
be dispatched.
SSLT ssltApiCnfgrCommand: Failed calling
Failed to send the message to the SSLT
message queue.
SSLT SSLT: Error loading certificate from file
Failed while loading the SSLcertificate from
specified file. XXXX indicates the file from
where the certificate is being read.
SSLT SSLT: Error loading private key from file Failed while loading private key for SSL
SSLT SSLT: Error setting cipher list (no valid
Failed while setting cipher list.
SSLT SSLT: Could not delete the SSL semaphores Failed to delete SSL semaphores during
cleanup.of all resources associated with the
OpenSSL Locking semaphores.
Table 8-16: SSHD Log Messages
Component Message Cause