
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-47
v1.0, November 2010
no password(AAA IAS User Configuration)
Use this command to remove a password for a user in the IAS database.
clear aaa ias-users
Use this command to remove all users from the IAS database.
show aaa ias-users
Use this command to display configured IAS users and their attributes. Passwords
configured are not shown in the show command output.
SNMP Commands
This section describes the commands you use to configure Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) on the switch. You can configure the switch to act as an SNMP agent so that it can
communicate with SNMP managers on your network.
This command sets the name and the physical location of the switch, and the organization
responsible for the network. The range for <name>, <loc> and <con> is from 1 to 31
alphanumeric characters.
Format no password
Mode AAA IAS User Config
Format clear aaa ias-users
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format show aaa ias-users
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default none