Display the [ALM] button in the status display area
Send a mail that notifies of an event occurrence
A mail that notifies of the event occurrence with the time and date of the event occurrence will be sent (Alarm
Up to 4 destination addresses for the alarm mail can be registered.
To send alarm mails at an event occurrence, configure the settings in advance.
Refer to page 122 for further information about contents of the alarm mail.
Send recorded images to an FTP server at an event occurrence
When an event occurs, recorded images will be continued transmitting to an FTP server automatically for the
set duration from the time when the event occurred. To send recorded images to an FTP server at an event
occurrence, configure the settings in advance.
• ImagesrecordedfromthestarttimeoftheeventrecordingaretobesenttoanFTPserver.Whenmultiple
events occurred, only images recorded from the start time of the first event recording will be sent.