Step 1
Display the camera control panel. (☞ Page 64)
Step 2
Adjust the horizontal/vertical position of images from
the camera using the arrows button (C, D, A, B).
The camera direction will move to the direction com-
manded by the arrows button.
• Itispossibletomakethepanning/tiltingspeed
slower by adjusting the camera direction when the
[HOLD] button is being lit (by pressing the [HOLD]
• Toreleasethehold,pressthe[HOLD]button
Adjust the horizontal/vertical position of images from the camera.
Zoom in/out images from the camera. Depending on the models of the connected cameras, the available zoom-
ing factors may be different.
Refer to the operating instructions of the camera for further information.
Step 1
Display the camera control panel (☞ page 64), and
then press the camera selection button [2] on the
front panel.
→ The [Zoom] tab will be displayed.
Step 2
Press the arrows button (C D). When pressing C,
the displayed image will be zoomed out. When press-
ing D, the displayed image will be zoomed in.