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To display the events belonging to all alarm/event categories, select Any Category.
Figure 132. Filter Dialog Box - Categories Tab
5. Acknowledged tab: If you want to filter on events acknowledged by particular users, click the Acknowledged tab and select each user
whose events you want displayed. For example, to display events acknowledged by the users ’user’ and ’operator’, select User and
You can also filter on events that were automatically acknowledged by a server. The server appears in the list with the users. Clear any
users and servers you do not want displayed.
To display all events, no matter who acknowledged it, select All Records.
Figure 133. Filter Dialog Box - Acknowledged Tab
6. Source device tab: If you want to filter on devices associated with events, click the Source Device tab and select each camera whose
events you want displayed. For example, to display only those events associated with Fire Exit Camera, select Fire Exit Camera.