14 C1554M-A (4/05)
5. If you belong to only one user group, click OK.
If you belong to more than one user group, VMX300(-E) needs to know which user group you want to log in under. You can either log in
under your default user group, if you have one set, or you can select the user group to log in under.
Log in under default:
To log in under your default user group, click OK.
Override default:
To override your default user group, select Clear Remembered Group(s) and click OK. TIP: If you do not know if you
have a default set, you can find out by selecting Clear Remembered Group(s).
The Select Group dialog box opens.
Figure 6.
Select Group Dialog Box
Select group:
Select the user group you want to log in under from the drop-down menu. If you are connecting to more than one
server, the user group you select here applies only to the server specified in the dialog box.
Set default:
If you want to set the selected group as the default for the specified server, select “Always log in to this server as this
group from this location.”
Click OK. If you are connecting to more than one server, you will be prompted to select a user group for each server on which you
belong to more than one user group. You can also set a default for each server, if desired.
6. If no startup workspace is defined, you are asked whether you want the system to build a workspace for you automatically. Click Yes to
build a workspace, or No to work without a workspace.
Figure 7.
Workspace Not Found Message
The VMX300(-E) Main window will open after several seconds and you will be connected to all the configured servers that are available.
The default group only applies when you connect to the same server from the same client as when you set the default.
VMX300(-E) can only connect you to servers that are running and available. If a server that was not available when you logged in becomes
available during your session, you will be logged in automatically.