C1554M-A (4/05) 123
To set the settings of a remote desktop server:
1. Right-click the remote desktop server icon in the Windows system tray and select Show from the pop-up menu. The Remote Desktop Server
dialog box will open.
Figure 138. Remote Desktop Server Dialog Box
2. Poll window under cursor: If you want to be able to see fine changes in the remote window positioned under the cursor, such as a
blinking cursor, select Poll Window under Cursor. Selecting this option degrades performance.
3. Poll foreground window: If you want to be able to see fine changes in the remote window positioned in the foreground, such as a
blinking cursor, select Poll Foreground Window. Selecting this option degrades performance.
4. Consolidate rectangles: For troubleshooting purposes. Do not clear this option.
5. Remove duplicate captures: For troubleshooting purposes. Do not clear this option.
6. Input thread priority: For troubleshooting only. Do not use.
7. Change password: To change the password that must be entered to connect remotely to the workstation, click Tools > Options. The
Options dialog box opens. Type the new password in the New Password box and again in the Confirm New Password box, and then click OK
to close the Options dialog box.
8. Close dialog box: To close the Remote Desktop Server dialog box, right-click the remote desktop server icon in the Windows system tray
and select Hide from the pop-up menu, or click the Minimize button at the right end of the title bar.
NOTE: Clicking the Close button at the right of the Remote Desktop Server title bar shuts down the remote desktop server. To keep the remote
desktop server running after you have finished setting the polling options, minimize the window.
To shut down a remote desktop server:
1. Right-click the remote desktop server icon in the Windows system tray and select Exit from the pop-up menu. Alternatively, select Show
from the pop-up menu to open the Remote Desktop Server dialog box, then click File > Exit, or click the Close button at the right of the title
bar. You are prompted for confirmation.
2. If you are sure you want to shut down the remote desktop server, click Yes. The remote desktop server shuts down.
NOTE: If the remote desktop server is running as a service, you can also shut it down through the Windows Control Panel Administrative Tools.