C1554M-A (4/05) 33
The Device List lists the devices available on the servers the client is connected to, provided you have access privileges for the devices. The
Device List allows you to switch devices and access device controls, without having a map with device icons loaded.
Figure 29. Device List
Organization: The Device List is organized into sublists. At the top of the Device List is a sublist headed All Devices, which lists all devices
available on connected servers in alphabetical order. The All Devices sublist only appears in the Device List if you have access privileges for All
Devices. To view the individual devices in the All Devices sublist, expand the list by clicking the plus sign to the left of All Devices.
Below the All Devices sublist is a sublist for each map you have access to. Expand the sublist for a map to view the devices on the map. A map
only appears in the Device List if it has at least one device icon on it. This means that some devices listed in the All Devices sublist do not appear
under any of the maps’ sublists, namely, those devices that do not have an icon on a map.
A device can appear in the Device List more than once. If the device has an icon on more than one map, the device is listed under each map’s
sublist, as well as under the All Devices sublist.
Access privileges: If the Device List does not appear in the View menu, then you do not have permission to open or close it. If the Device List
is open, you cannot close it. If it is closed, you cannot open it.
Open and close device list: To open the Device List window, click View > Device List. To close the Device List, click the Close button in the right
corner of the window’s title bar, or clear View > Device List.
Alternatively, if you have permission to edit workspaces, you can open and close the Device List window using the Edit Workspace option of the
File menu. For information on adjusting the size and position of the Device List window, refer to Workspaces and Appendix: Adjusting the Display.
Load map: Load a map that is listed in the Device List by dragging the map from the Device List to the map viewport or to a custom window.
Sources and destinations: The source of a signal is the device a signal originates from. For example, a video signal could come from a camera
(live video) or a DVR (archived video). A signal’s destination is where the signal is played (audio) or displayed (video). For example, monitors and
custom windows can be used to display video signals.
Switching refers to sending a source signal to a destination. For example, if you switch a camera to a custom window, the camera’s video signal
is sent to the custom window, resulting in the camera’s video displaying in the window.
Switching is accomplished in VMX300(-E) by dragging the source device to the destination. You can either drag device icons placed on maps, or
devices listed in the Device List. Table B lists the different ways of switching devices.
NOTE: Switching from or to a particular analog device only works if your system administrator has set up the server to allow it. The system
administrator should instruct you in which devices can be switched to which destinations.