Safety Considerations
M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 13-19
Safety Considerations
The following general warnings and cautions apply to use of the HeartStart
XLT. Additional warning and cautions specific to a particular feature are pro-
vided in the appropriate section.
WARNIN G The HeartStart XLT is not intended to be deployed in settings or situations that pro-
mote use by untrained personnel. Operation by untrained personnel can result in
injury or death.
WARNIN G Remain attentive to the patient during the delivery of therapy. Delay in delivering a
shock may result in a rhythm that was analyzed as shockable converting spontane-
ously to non-shockable and could result in inappropriate delivery of a shock.
WARNIN G Use only the multifunction defib electrode pads, battery, and accessories listed in
“Supplies & Accessories” on page 11-18. Substitutions may cause the HeartStart
XLT to function improperly.
WARNIN G Use multifunction defib electrode pads prior to their expiration date. Discard pads
after use. Do not reuse pads.
WARNIN G In AED Mode, the multifunction defib electrode pads must be in the anterior-anterior
position as shown on the packaging. The HeartStart XLT was not designed to assess
data acquired from pads in an anterior-posterior position.