7. Adjust the day (dd) or month (mm) with the / buttons. Press OK.
8. Adjust the year (yy) with the / buttons. Press OK.
9. Sex: Select MALE or FEMALE with the / buttons. Press OK.
10. Activity: Select your long-term physical activity level TOP, HIGH, MODERATE, or LOW with the / buttons. Press OK.
Do not change your activity level description if your regular exercise habits have changed in the last three months.
TOP You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least five times per week. For example,
you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
HIGH Exercise is an inseparable part of your life. You exercise regularly at least three times a week at
a heavy intensity. Exercise causes clear breathlessness and sweating. For example, you run
10 miles/16 km a week or spend more than 1.5-2 hours at a comparable physical activity.
MODERATE You participate regularly in recreational sports. For example, you run 5 miles/8 km a week or spend
30-60 minutes a week at a comparable physical activity. Alternatively, your work requires modest
physical activity.
LOW Exercise is not a regular part of your life. You walk only for pleasure or occasionally exercise
sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or perspiration.
Activity Level Description