Chapter 4-Additional Conferencing Information
Polycom, Inc. 4-37
Gathering Phase Duration
The duration of the Gathering Phase can be customized by the administrator so that it is long
enough to be viewed by most connected participants yet short enough so as not to over
extend into the scheduled conferencing time.
The Gathering Phase duration is configured for the Collaboration Server, by the following
System Flags in system.cfg using the Setup >System Configuration menu:
Range: 0 - 3600 seconds
Default: 180 seconds
The Gathering Phase duration of the conference is measured from the scheduled start
time of the conference.
Example: If the value of the flag is set to 180, the Gathering slide is displayed for three
minutes to all participants starting at the conference Start Time, and ending three
minutes after the conference Start Time.
For participants who connect before Start Time, the Gathering slide is displayed from the
time of connection until the end of the Gathering duration period.
Range: 0 - 3600 seconds
Default: 15 seconds
The value of this flag determines the duration of the display of the Gathering slide for
participants that connect to the conference after the conference Start Time.
Participants connecting to the conference very close to of the end of the Gathering Phase
(when there are fewer seconds left to the end of the Gathering Phase than specified by the
value of the flag) have the Gathering slide displayed for the time specified by the value
of the flag.
Example: If the value of the flag is set to 15, the Gathering Phase slide is displayed to the
participant for 15 seconds.
Enabling the Gathering Phase Display
The Gathering Phase is enabled for per conference in the Conference Profile. The profile also
includes the dial-in numbers and the optional additional information to display on the slide.
Conferences that are configured to include a Gathering Phase that are not launched by the
Polycom Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook need the following information to be
entered via the New Profile or Profile Properties — Gathering Settings dialog box:
• Display Name (Optional, the Meeting Name is used if left blank.)
• Displayed Language
• Access Number 1 / 2 (Optional.)
• Additional Information (Optional free text)
— Info 1
— Info 2
— Info 3
Conferences launched by the Polycom Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook receive this
information from the meeting invitation.
For more information see "Defining New Profiles” on page 2-26.