Polycom, Inc. 12-1
Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft
Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook is an add-in that enables users to easily organize
and invite attendees to Video Enabled meetings via Microsoft Outlook
Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook is implemented by installing the Polycom
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook on Microsoft Outlook
e-mail clients. It enables meetings to be scheduled with video endpoints from within
Outlook. The add-in also adds a Polycom Conference button in the Meeting tab of the Microsoft
Outlook e-mail client ribbon.
The meeting organizer clicks the Polycom Conference button to add Conference Information
to the meeting invitation.
Attendees call the meeting at the scheduled Start Time using the link or the dial-in number
provided in the meeting invitation.
Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook is supported in AVC CP Conferencing Mode only.
Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook is not supported when the Collaboration Server is in
Ultra Secure Mode. For more information see "Ultra Secure Mode” on page 23-1.
Polycom Conference Button