
RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
23-56 Polycom, Inc.
In compliance with UC APL requirements, PKI Self-signed Certificates are supported for the
both the Default Management and IP Network Services.
A mixture of Self-signed and CA-signed Certificates is supported, however a CA-signed
certificate will always override a Self-signed Certificate.
Self-signed Certificate Creation
Self-signed Certificates are created during:
Initial system start-up before any CA-signed Certificates have been installed.
IP Network Services creation.
Network Services updates that result in Host Name changes.
Daily validity checks of Self-signed Certificates.
Backup and Restore of the system configuration
Self-signed Certificate field values are automatically inserted when the certificate is created:
Table 23-18 Self-signed Certificate - Creation
Field Value
Signature Algorithm SHA1
Issuer / Issued To Service Host Name
Both the Issuer and Issued To fields have the same values.
CN = host name of the service name
DC = Polycom
OU = Self Signed Certificate
O = Polycom RMX
Note: The value of CN is derived from the IP Network Service
Name, while the values of DC, OU and O are hard coded.
For a full description of these fields see RFC 5280.
Valid from Date of creation
Valid to Date of creation + 10 years
Subject (Common Name) Service Host Name
Public Key 2048 bits