Chapter 17-IVR Services
Polycom, Inc. 17-21
27 To modify the DTMF code or permission:
a In the DTMF Code column, in the appropriate entry enter the new code.
b In the Permission column, select from the list who can use this feature (Everyone or
just the Chairperson).
Decrease Listening Volume
Note: This option is not available for SVC participants.
#76 Everyone
Override Mute All Configurable Everyone
Start Recording *3 Chairperson
Stop Recording *2 Chairperson
Pause Recording *1 Chairperson
Secure Conference *71 Chairperson
Unsecured Conference #71 Chairperson
Show Number of Participants
Note: This option is not available in SVC conferences.
*88 Everyone
Request individual assistance
Note: This option is not available for SVC participants.
Request assistance for conference
Note: This option is not available for SVC participants.
00 Chairperson
Request to Speak 99 Everyone
Touch Control Prefix
Note: This option is not available for SVC participants.
*# Everyone
• Do not change the DTMF code of the Touch Control Prefix (*#).
The Polycom® Touch Control device is only supported with MPM+ and MPMx media cards. For
more information see the Polycom® Touch Control User Guide.
• If during the ongoing conference the Show Number of Participants DTMF option (default
DTMF *88) is used, when the displayed number of participants is removed, the message overlay
text is also removed.
Table 17-10 New Conference IVR Service Properties - DTMF Codes
Operation DTMF String Permission
By default, the Secure, Unsecure Conference and Show Number of Participants options are enabled
in the Conference IVR Service. These options can be disabled by removing their codes from the
Conference IVR Service.
• To disable the Text Indication option in the DTMF Code column, clear the DTMF code (*88) of
Show Number of Participants from the table.
• To disable the Secure Conference options, in the DTMF Code column, clear the DTMF codes of
both Secured Conference (*71) and Unsecured Conference (#71) from the table.