Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - ViewStation
Call Status Tab
On this screen you will nd detailed information regarding the video call. Each row represents a
channel the ViewStation can potentially use.
When the call status ball is green that system is in a call and all the data shown in this window
is current for that system. If the call status ball is grey, the data shown represents information for
that last incoming or outgoing call.
Video Calls over IP
If the ViewStation establishes an H.323 (video over IP) call, then the video call would be repre-
sented by one channel.
Video Calls over ISDN
If the ViewStation uses H.320 (video over ISDN) then the ViewStation video call would be repre-
sented by the number of ISDN channels used for the call.
Video Calls Over PRI
PRI-T1 (US) lines have 23 video (B) channels and one data (D) channel. PRI-E1 (Europe) has
30 (B) channels and one data (D) channel.
Cause Codes
Cause Codes are only relevant to ISDN video calls. If an error occurs with one of the chan-
nels for a video call, a cause code will appear. The common cause codes for video connection
errors are listed in this linked documentation. To view this list for data interpretation, please view
page 149 in the appendix.
Caller ID
These numbers represent the last ISDN number this channel connected to. If the channel 1 last
connected via an IP call, then this channel shows the IP number. If channel 2 last connected with
ISDN then channel 2 shows that ISDN number.