Global Management System User’s Guide
ViewStation Admin Setup Menu
System Info :: Admin Setup :: Video / Camera
ViewStation Field Type Meaning
Primary Camera Radio Buttons Primary Camera: Select the primary camera used
each the ViewStation is powered on. The main
camera cannot be disconnected. However, it does
not have to be the primary camera.
1. Camera 1 or the Main Camera (default).
2. Camera 2 if connected to the ViewStation.
3. Camera 3 if connected to the ViewStation.
4. Camera 4 if connected to the ViewStation
ViewStation Field Type Meaning
Snapshot Timeout Checkbox
Select the camera used for snapshots.
Checked - By default, all slides and snapshots
are displayed for a period of 4 minutes. When the
display times out after 4 minutes, the ViewStation
automatically returns to live video.
Un-checked - The snapshot or slide stays on screen
indenitely until the user presses the snapshot
button on the remote control to return of live video.
Number of Monitors Radio Buttons 1: The ViewStation will use monitor number one.
2: The ViewStation will use monitor number two.