Global Management System User’s Guide
Communication Service Ports used for Polycom Management Software
Communication across the network for Polycom products requires the usage of certain Internet
service ports. Global Management System communicates with the web client, video devices
and other services. In the tables below, “Direction” indicates how a particular communication is
initiated; for example, “Web browserà Global Management System” means the web browser
opens a connection with Global Management System which is then used to interchange
The Web Client
The web client is a web browser running on a PC station that is used to access Global
Management System, Path Navigator, or video devices. The table below shows the protocol
and port used. The ports listed must be open for two-way communication.
Direction Protocol Ports Purpose
Web browserà Global
Management System
HTTP: TCP 80 Web client communicating with
Global Management System
Web browseràvideo
devices except for
HTTP: TCP 80 Web client communicating with
video devices user interface
Web browseràViaVideo
HTTP: TCP 3603 Web client communicating with
ViaVideo web interface
Web browseràOther
Devices web server
HTTP: TCP Arbitrary port
(assigned by
admin when
adding this
device to Global
Web client communicating with
Other Devices web interface
Web browser à
HTTP: TCP 80 Web client communicating with
Global Management System and video devices communications
Different features offered in Global Management System use different ports when
communicating with video devices. The port most often used is port 80. However, other
protocols such as FTP and Telnet require the usage of ports other than 80.