64Chapter 4 Software UpdateGlobal Management System User’s Guide
The table below denes what information is displayed with each column header.
Column header Description
Connectivity Status Green network icon - Indicates that Global Management System can
successfully communicate with the system.
Green network icon with log - Global Management system is logging
system information.
Red network icon- The server is unable to communicate with a
Yellow network icon - Indicates that Global Management System is
able to query the system, but is unable to receive status updates.
Endpoint Status Gray ball -The video endpoint is not in a call.
Green ball - A video endpoint is in a call.
Red Cross - A video endpoint user is requesting help.
System Name System Identier
Model Model of video endpoint
Software Version Software version currently loaded on endpoint
GMT Offset from Greenwich mean time
Status Whether software updates are updating, pending, successful, failed
Software Update Tabs
Tabs have been added to the Software Update so that the administrator can easily access
detailed information for a system without having to click to the System Management Page.
General Tab
Contains pertinent information for software update, such as call status, software version and the
system’s local time. Descriptors for these elds can be found here.
Contains details explaining why the selected device is remaining in a pending state or why
software update failed for this device. More information about “Status Details” on page 27.
Status Details - Descriptor for current status.
Failure Reason - Describes why Soft Update failed.
Next Update Time - Details when this system will be updated.
The following only applies to a ViewStation model:
Remove Address Book entries -Yes indicates that Address book entries will be removed
after an update
Remove System les - Yes indicates the endpoint settings will be removed after an update
Passive FTP - Yes indicates the Global Management System will perform Software Update
in Passive FTP mode vs. Active FTP.
Records all steps during the Software Update process for the selected system. If Soft Update
failed during the process, then all steps until the point of failure will be logged here.
Software Update Console