Feature Reference
Caller ID Call Logging and Dialing
(F23)—Release 2.0 or Later
This feature is available on 24-character PARTNER 18D and 34D display
phones. It is not available for the MLS, MLC, MDW or Tip/Ring phones.
Once the system administrator assigns the Caller ID Call Log Line Association
(#318), Caller ID Log Answered Calls (#317), and/or the Caller ID Log All Calls
(#319) features to log Caller ID calls, you use Caller ID Logging and Dialing
(F23) to view the log. Caller ID Call Logging and Dialing is available on system
display phones on all phones for which you subscribe to a Caller ID service. This
feature gives users the ability to view Caller ID information for unanswered Central
Office calls and unanswered Central Office calls transferred to an extension.
Up to 400 call records can be stored for the system. Each line that is associated
with an extension to log Caller ID calls is guaranteed a minimum of 20 call
In addition, users can automatically dial the number stored in the log.
The call records stored in each user’s call log and available for viewing depends
on the following:
■ Unanswered transferred calls are logged automatically, whether or not the
line and extension are associated with the Call Logging features.
■ If Caller ID Log Answered Calls (#317) is used alone, all Caller ID calls
that are answered by that extension are logged.
■ If Caller ID Log Line Association (#318) is used alone, all unanswered
Caller ID calls that ring on a line associated with the extension are logged.
■ If both Caller ID Log Answered Calls (#317) and Caller ID Log Line
Association (#318) are used, all Caller ID calls that are answered by that
extension and all unanswered Caller ID calls that ring on a line associated
with the extension are logged.
■ If both Caller ID Log Line Association (#318) and Caller ID Log All Calls
(#319) are used,
answered Caller ID calls and
unanswered Caller ID
calls received at
extension on specific lines are logged. This
combination can be assigned to a maximum of one extension per system.
The Caller ID information is shown on three screens:
■ The first screen shows the caller’s number (or the reason that the number
is not available).
■ The second screen shows the caller’s name (or the reason that the name is
not available).