Using Auxiliary Equipment
. This is the time a user spends on an incoming outside call—from the
time the user answers the call to the time the call is disconnected from the
system. The talk time is shown in hh:mm:ss format, where hh is the hour,
mm is the minutes, and ss is the seconds.
If the call is answered by the Automatic System Answer or Direct
Extension Dial feature, this field does not include the time the caller listens
to the greeting or waits for someone to answer the call. For all other calls,
the time in this field is the same as the time in the Duration field.
This field is included on the call report only if SMDR Talk Time (#611) is
set to Active.
■ If a report cannot print because the printer is jammed or out of paper, the
system will store up to 45 records in its memory until they can be printed.
Additional calls will not be recorded.
■ Before including the Talk field on call reports or changing the output format
to 24 digits, check the documentation shipped with the call accounting
device to verify that these options are supported.
■ If SMDR Talk Time (#611) is set to Active and SMDR Output Format
(#610) is set to 24 digits, the combined length of the fields for a call record
will be greater than the 80 characters supported by most printers. If call
records wrap around to the next line, reduce the font size or increase the
characters-per-inch setting for the printer. If necessary, change the SMDR
Output Format back to 15 digits.
■ In the event of a power failure, records of any calls in progress are lost.
■ Inside (intercom) calls are not recorded.
■ If you place a call on hold and the caller hangs up, the call is considered
complete and the record is sent to the call reporting device.
■ Conference calls appear as two outside calls. (This means two records are
generated on the report.)
Output Format
The following RS-232 serial transmission protocol is used for SMDR records:
■ 1200 baud
■ No parity
■ 8 data bits
■ 2 stop bits
The call reporting feature also supports XON/XOFF protocol, carriage returns,
and line feeds.