Disallowed Phone Number Lists (#404)
The examples below show how to enter telephone numbers for a Disallowed
Phone Number List in Step 4 of “Programming.”
■ Specific Telephone Numbers. Enter the phone number exactly as you
would dial it. For example, to prevent calls to the local number 555-5678,
5 5 5 5 6 7 8.
■ All Telephone Numbers in One Area Code. The following list entries
prevent calls to the 900 area code:
— Toll Call Prefix required
1900 and 0900
— Toll Call Prefix not required
900 and 0900
■ All Telephone Numbers in One Exchange. The following entries prevent
calls to the 976 exchange:
— Toll Call Prefix required
— Toll Call Prefix not required
■ International Long Distance. To prevent international calls, enter the
international prefix number, 011.
■ All Star Codes. To prevent the use of all star codes, enter * (for touch-tone
phones) and 11 (equivalent to a * on rotary phones).
976 Prevents local calls
1!!!976 Prevents direct-dial calls to all area codes
0!!!976 Prevents operator-assisted calls to all area
1976 Prevents direct-dial toll calls in the same area
code (needed only when 0 or 1 is required for
toll calls in the same area code)
0976 Prevents operator-assisted toll calls in the
same area code (needed only when 0 or 1 is
required for toll calls in the same area code)
976 Prevents local calls
!0!976 Prevents calls to area codes with “0” as the
second digit, such as 203
!1!976 Prevents calls to area codes with “1” as the
second digit, such as 212