Outgoing Call Restriction (#401)
■ If the system is connected to a PBX or Centrex system and a dial-out code
(usually 9) is needed to place calls outside the PBX or Centrex system, the
control unit may not be able to prevent calls for extensions restricted to
Local Only. If dialing restrictions are needed on Centrex lines, use Centrex
restrictions instead.
■ If you want to restrict the use of star code s, include them in the Disallowed
Phone Number Lists.
Valid Entries
1 = No Restriction (can make toll, local, and intercom calls) ✔
2 = Inside (intercom) Only
3 = Local (intercom and local) Only
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)
To identify the types of outgoing calls that can be made on all lines at an
1. Press
f 0 0 s s # 4 0 1 at extension
10 or 11.
2. At the Extension: prompt, enter the number of the extension to be
programmed. For example, to select extension 30, press
3 0.
3. To change the type of call restriction, press
D until the appropriate
value displays.
4. To program another extension, press
n or p until the
extension number shows on the display. Repeat Step 3.
5. Select another procedure or exit programming mode.