Creating a Data Source Using the Data Parser
Polycom, Inc. 149
5 After designating a Data Feed name, URL, and Database File, enter the
Refresh Interval. This value determines the time, in seconds, between
live updates of the RSS feed.
Click Next.
6 The Title Format window will appear.
a Choose a Case Conversion method, if necessary, to modify the
capitalization of all text contained in the Title/Headline section of the
b Enter a series of Search & Replace character strings, if necessary, to
strip out unwanted text, or to automatically add characters to the feed.
The Format of the Search & Replace list is as follows:
[SearchText] | [ReplaceText]
For example, to automatically format incoming data, enter the
following into the Search & Replace list:
<![CDATA[ |
]]> |
The Search & Replace will modify this string of text as follows:
Unformatted raw data:
<![CDATA[Polycom announces its Digital Signage
Formatted data:
Polycom announces its Digital Signage Solution
c If you wish to exclude items with certain words or phrases in the title,
indicate those words and phrases.
Click Next.