Using a Data Source Using the Data Parser
Polycom, Inc. 153
Using a Data Source
After a Data Source is created, it can then be used to replace the sources in the
Entertainment, Breaking, and Sports News default playlist templates or to
create a new FSData template. With the Remote Manager and Web Controller
tools, administrators can distribute a data source created in any one Data
Parser to all PDS Players in a network.
To use a data source in a playlist in a remote PDS Player:
1 Open the Remote Manager.
2 If the data source has been created on a remote PDS Player, you will need
a Right-click on the PDS Player and open the Management Console.
b Open the File Manager tab of the Management Console.
c Navigate to C:\PolycomContent\Data. Locate the .xdsrc file for the
data source you created in the previous section.
d Download the .xdsrc file to the computer running Remote Manager.
e When the download has completed, close the Management Console
and return to the Remote Manager main interface.
3 In the Remote Manager main interface, click Publish Content.
NOTE: All PDS Players must have Data Parser installed and running. To confirm
that a Player has Data Parser installed, consult the System Info tab of the Network
pane in Remote Manager. If the Dataparser Version, Dataparser License, and DP
ID fields exist and are populated with data, the Data Parser should be installed on
the target Player.