Playlist Editor Using the Web Controller
Polycom, Inc. 81
• Sports Headlines: a default data feed that displays sports news from a
pre-defined feed. This feed updates regularly and populates the template
with headlines, stories (usually one or two sentences), and images if
• Video 16x9: Displays a user-designated widescreen video. This template
is editable in the Video Slide Content tab of the Web Controller.
• Product Catalog PowerPoint: Displays a user-designated PowerPoint
presentation. This PowerPoint can be retrieved, edited, replaced, and
distributed (as ppt or as a jpg archive) via the Slide Show Tickers tab in the
Web Controller.
The PDS Web Controller includes a library of default templates that can be
added to a playlist from the Available Templates drop-down. The
information and possible parameter changes for each of these additional
templates follows.
AddOn L Bar Streaming Video
The AddOn L Bar Streaming Video template displays a streaming video or
URL, a fixed message, and a text ticker.
1 Click on the Params link beside "AddOn L Bar Streaming Video."
NOTE: The Default Playlist includes preconfigured text, video, and PowerPoint
presentation content. However, these elements are intended to be user-edited. For
information on adding and editing content in templates, please see below.
NOTE: Websites are not resized automatically. Some sites may be restricted on
player output given the resolution.