Polycom Digital Signage Administrator Guide Main Window
30 Polycom, Inc.
The toolbars provide the buttons used for a number of high-level operations
within PDS Remote Manager. Most other operations are available through
dialog boxes that will be displayed (e.g., on a Player name or thumbnail
Networks and Groups Pane
The Networks & Groups pane shows a tree view of the hierarchy of networks
and groups you can manage that are running on the PDS Server. Each network
contains one or more groups (which may in turn have sub-groups).
The Network pane shows the Players defined within the network or group
that is currently selected in the Networks & Groups pane. All the Players that
are defined in the network or group will be shown, whether they are currently
online or offline.
The Network pane has five tabs, allowing you to manage different aspects of
these Players' operations:
• The Connections tab shows you the Players that are currently connected
to the PDS Server (online) as well as those offline Players that have been
connected recently. The Player list is tabular, and you can select the sorting
order for the list by clicking a field heading.
— In the lower portion of the pane, the Connections tab will show you
the list of users currently connected to the PDS Server.
• The Player Status tab relates information on Player connectivity.
• The Screenshots tab shows thumbnail views of the screenshots from the
Players in the selected network or group. These thumbnails are refreshed
regularly and will show the output from the Player as taken from the
computer's graphics card. (The thumbnail refresh interval is set by the
Auto-Refresh menu in the toolbar.)
• The System Info tab provides some basic system information, such as
software and operating system versions, for each Player.
• The Packages tab shows the file download packages that have been
defined for the selected network.
Events Pane
The Events pane shows a table of recent system events on the Players in the
selected network, much like a shared log file. The most recent events will
appear at the top of the table.