Polycom VMC 1000 Broadcaster Guide About Channels
30 Polycom, Inc.
9 To enable Employee Generated Content, select the Is EGC Enabled?
checkbox. This will allow for upload of content from the Viewer Portal.
10 To replace the default Thumbnail:
a Click the Select icon.
b Navigate through the Content Repository and select an Image.
c Click Save.
11 Click Revert to Default Thumbnail to use the default system image.
12 Edit the Channel Permissions:
— Content Manager - Has the ability administer and edit the content
(which includes modifying its source file, its metadata, and managing
its place within the folder hierarchy).
— Content Publisher - Has the ability to publish the content (i.e., include
it in a program).
a Click the Select icon for the rights you wish to edit.
b Enter text into the Search input field or use “*” to execute a wildcard
c Select the Users, Groups, or Both radio button to specify the search
d Click the Search button.
e Select a User or Group from the Available list on the left.
f Use the right arrow icon to assign the User or Group to the role.
g To un-assign a User or Group, select the object from the Assigned
column on the right and click the left arrow.
h Click the Assign button
13 Assign Channel Categories.
a Select a Category from the Available list.
b Use the right arrow icon to assign the Category to the Selected list.
c In the Selected list, use the up and down arrows to designate the
primary category and optional secondary categories.
14 Click Save.
Edit Channels
To edit channels:
1 Click Programming.
2 Click Channels.