About Programs Creating Polycom VMC 1000 Programs
Polycom, Inc. 63
2 For each content type attached to the program (e.g., downloads,
streaming media) select a Delivery Option and at least one Access Point
3 Click Next.
4 Go to the Setting Program Access section.
To select an audience for program distribution
1 Select the Audiences radio button.
2 Click Next.
3 Select one or more Audiences.
4 Click Next to go to the Program Access page.
Setting Program Access
To set program access:
1 If you create a hidden private program, uncheck the Publish in Listings
If you do this, you must send the private program code or content link to
your Viewers, or they will not be able to access the program.
2 To require your users to log in to the system before viewing content,
check the Login Required box.