Polycom VMC 1000 Broadcaster Guide About Programs
44 Polycom, Inc.
2 To require your users to log in to the system before viewing content,
check the Login Required box.
3 To make this program a Private Program by requiring a private code,
check the Private Program box. If user-defined private codes are allowed,
you must either enter a code, or click the Generate button to create a
random one.
4 If user defined codes are not allowed, you must click Generate.
5 To edit who can edit and view the program, click the Select button for the
appropriate role.
6 Click Next to continue.
Reviewing the Program Summary Page
To review the Program Summary page:
1 Review the Program Summary page for accuracy.
2 Click Finish to save your program.
Editing a Live Broadcast Program
To edit a Live Broadcast program:
1 Click Programming.
2 Click Programs.
3 Click the Program name for the on live broadcast you want to modify.
The Program Summary page is displayed.
4 You can edit any of the grouped properties by clicking the Edit icon for
that section.
NOTE: If you do not select a specific Viewer in this field aside from the Super User
(who is always enabled by default), no viewer will be able to access the program. If
you want all viewers to be able to view the program, choose the All Users viewer.