Moderate Reviews Creating Polycom VMC 1000 Programs
Polycom, Inc. 33
Moderate Reviews
If reviews and review moderation are enabled through a domain, the
Moderate Reviews tab allows administrators to approve or unapprove
reviews made on content.
To moderate reviews made in the Viewer Portal:
1 Navigate to Programming > Moderate Reviews.
2 Click on the review to view the full text. If you choose to edit the text,
click Save.
3 Select Approve, Unapprove, or Flag from the drop-down menu for each
given item. Approve will publish, unapprove and flag will not.
Custom Program Attributes
The Polycom VMC 1000 version 2.0 Viewer Portal allows administrators to
designate Custom Program Attributes. When custom attributes are predefined
in a domain, a new drop-down attribute field can be associated with
To add a custom attribute:
1 Navigate to Programming > Custom Attributes.
2 Click Add.
3 Provide values in the Key and Name fields for the attribute.