Chapter 5: Settings
Unicode Mapping
94 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
5.4.4 Unicode Mapping
• Tap on the Unicode Mapping tab to display this screen.
The Unicode Mapping tab is used to map combinations of virtual key values and
[CTRL] and [SHIFT] states to Unicode™ values. This tab shows the configured
Unicode character along with the Unicode value. For example, “a (U+0061)”
indicates that the character “a” is represented by the Unicode value “0061”, and so
on. Keep in mind that Unicode configurations are represented as hexidecimal rather
than decimal values.
All user-defined Unicode mappings are listed in the Unicode Mapping tab in order
of virtual key value, and then by order of the shift state. If a Unicode mapping is not
listed, the Unicode mapping is mapped to the default Unicode value.
Adding And Changing Unicode Values
Important: Changes to Unicode mappings are not saved until you exit the
Unicode Mapping tab by tapping on [OK].