
Chapter 5: Settings
Decoded (HHP)
148 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
5.27.2 Decoded (HHP) Options — Decoded (HHP) Scanner
Laser On Time
The value assigned to this parameter determines how long the laser will remain on
when the scan button or trigger is pressed.
Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box in which you can enter a
value from 1 to 10. Decoded (HHP) Advanced Options
Continuous Scan Mode
Setting this parameter to on keeps the laser on and continuously decoding as long as
the scanner button is pressed and held down.
Minimum Cancel Time
The value assigned to this parameter determines the time delay before the scanner is
turned off, once the scanner trigger or button is released. This gives the scanner a
minimum amount of time to complete its current decode before the scan is cancelled
when the user quickly triggers on/off.