
Chapter 3: Getting To Know The WORKABOUT PRO
Bluetooth Radio
48 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
3.9 Bluetooth Radio
Note: Integrated Bluetooth class II radios are standard on WORKABOUT PRO
C and S units. Keep in mind also that Bluetooth is available simulta-
neously with WAN and 802.11g on a single unit.
The WORKABOUT PRO is equipped with an on-board Bluetooth radio. This type of
radio enables short range data communication between devices. The Bluetooth also
provides the capability to use a Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone as a data modem,
exchanging information with other Bluetooth devices and providing network access.
Refer to “The Bluetooth GPRS Phone” on page 211 for setup details.
3.9.1 Pairing A Bluetooth Headset Or Other Bluetooth Devices
Before pairing a headset or any other Bluetooth device with your unit, make certain
that the Bluetooth device power is enabled; it is enabled by default. If, for some
reason, it has been disabled:
Tap on Start>Settings>System tab and then, tap on the Power icon to
display the Power dialog box.
Tap on the Built-in Devices tab, and tap in the checkbox next to Enable
Next you need to make your WORKABOUT PRO visible to other Bluetooth
devices; this option is set to off by default.
Tap on Start>Settings>Connections tab>Bluetooth icon.
Tap on the Mode tab, and check both Turn on Bluetooth and Make this
device visible to other devices. Tap OK.
Follow the headset manufacturer’s instructions to place the headset in
pairing mode. Some headsets will automatically initiate the pairing to the
hand-held, and you will be prompted to pair with the headset.
If your headset does not initiate pairing automatically, carry out these steps:
Tap on Start>Settings>Connections tab>Bluetooth icon.
•In the Devices tab, tap Add new device. Wait for the WORKABOUT PRO
to scan for devices.
Choose the headset device from the list and tap on Next.
The WORKABOUT PRO then prompts you to provide a passcode.
Type the passcode (or PIN – Personal Identification Number), and then tap
on Next.