II WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
UPC E 139, 153, 175, 191
Translation tab 197
bar code reader
integrated scanner, operation of 290
Barcodes Must Decode 186
a description of 271
backup (ML2032) 12
Battery Details tab 124
battery hotkey 56
Battery info. tab 122
battery power, managing 122
Battery Power tab 110
battery settings 123
charging 11, 36
installing 35
installing main battery 13
main battery 11
pinouts B-2
removing 35
run time 46
storing 47
swap time 35
battery charger
safety instructions 273
battery power, managing 122
battery specifications 304
high-capacity (WA3006) 304
super high-capacity (WA3010) 308
beep conditions 45
volume adjustment 46
Bi-Direction Redundancy 132
Block Recognizer 76
Bluetooth 48
pairing devices 48
Bluetooth devices, pairing 207
Bluetooth radio
ISM band 205
Bluetooth setup
peripherals 293
Bluetooth setup 205
About Tab 211
Active Connections 210
COM port 209
GPRS setup 211
Mode tab 208
Bluetooth specs 304
console (cold reset) 29
BooSt menu, accessing 28, 29
boot (reset) 28
Built-In Devices tab
Built-in Devices tab 124
Buttons icon 90
calculator 246
calendar 61
categories, using 63
creating & editing entries 62
deleting appointments 64
reminders, creating 62
calibrating touchscreen 44
Captures Per HW Trigger 187
cards, inserting (SIM & SD MMC) 49
Card Slots (see Built-in Devices) 124
case, carrying 270
CD (Getting Started) 14
CDMA/1xRTT 225–237
Center Bar Code Only (Imager) 185
certificates 112
appending to bar codes 138
prefix 136, 138
stripping 137, 138
suffix 136, 138
descriptions of 37
safety instructions 273
chargers 271
desktop docking station 274
installing at a site 272
operator controls 272
quad battery charger (WA3004) 281
single battery 279
charging (main battery) 11
Check Char 149, 155, 156, 158
Check Digit 151, 152, 153, 154
check digit 143, 157
Check Digit, One 143, 157
Check Digits (MSI Plessey) 143, 157
Check Digit Verification 135, 171, 174,
179, 180, 182
Check Digit Verification (Codabar) 178
Check Digit Verification (I 2 of 5) 144
cleaning hand-held 50
Click Data (scanner double-click) 196
Click Time (scanner double-click) 195
clock, setting 57, 114
CLSI Editing 142