ISR651101-00 J C-1
C Log Messages
This appendix provides details about messages logged to a file. (For details about viewing the router logs, see the
iSR6200 Command Line Interface (CLI) User’s Guide or the iSR6200 Router Manager User’s Guide.) The message log
is persistent because it is maintained across router power cycles and reboots.
Information in Table C-1 is organized as follows:
The ID column specifies the message identification numbers in ascending order.
The Log Message column indicates the message text shown in the CLI or SANsurfer Router Manager router log.
Note that:
Log messages for the iSCSI driver module are common to both iSCSI ports. Log messages beginning with
denote iSCSI port 1 (GE1) and log messages beginning with #1 denote iSCSI port 2 (GE2).
Log messages for the Fibre Channel driver module are common to both Fibre Channel ports. Log messages
beginning with
#0 denote Fibre Channel port 1 (FC1) and log messages beginning with #1 denote Fibre
Channel port 2 (FC2).
The Module Type column specifies the message reporting module, where:
App = Application module
FC = Fibre Channel driver
FCIP = Fibre Channel IP driver
iSCSI = iSCSI driver
System = System module