
C–Log Messages
C-32 ISR651101-00 J
172238 FcipRoute#%d: Synchronization Error on
FCIP Error Indicates an error in the received FCIP PDU framing;
router will disconnect and reconnect with remote
router to clear the error.
172239 FcipRoute#%d: Decompression Error on
FCIP Error Indicates the receiver could not decompress a
received FCIP frame. The router will disconnect and
reconnect with the remote router to clear the error.
172240 FcipRoute#%d: De-encapsulation Error on
FCIP Error Invalid FCIP header received. The header is invalid
or improperly framed. The router will disconnect and
reconnect with the remote router to clear the error.
172245 FcipRoute#%d: Transmit Failure FCIP Error FCIP PDU transmit request was rejected, typically
caused by the TCP connection closing when send
was submitted. Can also be caused by lack of
resources to accommodate the send (should never
happen). If this persists and the TCP connection is up
a reboot is required to clear the condition.
172246 FcipRoute#%d: Remote Peer Disconnected FCIP Error The remote peer terminated the TCP connection via
a FIN (finished) or RST (reset) flag. The router will
attempt to restore the TCP connection.
172247 FcipRoute#%d: Failed to send FC Up/Down FCIP Error Unable to notify the remote router that the local Fibre
Channel link came up or went down. The TCP con-
nection will be closed and the router will attempt to
reconnect to the remote router.
172249 FcipRoute#%d: FCIP Link Down FCIP Error The Fibre Channel link went down. Check the Fibre
Channel cabling and Fibre Channel switch or drive
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message