
ISR651101-00 J 5-1
5 Fibre Channel over IP
Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) is a protocol used to transport Fibre Channel frames
over TCP/IP, thus providing SAN over WAN capabilities. FCIP is commonly used
to interconnect (merge) SANs that are separated by such a distance that a direct
connection is cost prohibitive or technically unfeasible.
This chapter provides the following information:
FCIP Attributes lists the attributes of FCIP implementation in the iSR6200.
“Configuring FCIP” on page 5-2 explains the parameters used in setting up
FCIP, E_Port and F_Port extensions, WAN characteristics, data
compression, bandwidth, and TCP window settings.
FCIP Attributes
The iSR6200 system FCIP implementation has the following attributes:
Compatible with all Fibre Channel vendor fabrics (all Fibre Channel
E_Port extension—Bridges same Fibre Channel vendor SANs (such as
Fibre Channel switches)
F_Port extension—Does not merge fabrics
Supported configurations:
Two same-vendor Fibre Channel SAN islands
Direct connect from one N_Port to a remote SAN island
Support for 1GbE and 10GbE connections:
100MBps on each 1Gb Ethernet or 8Gb Fibre Channel route
400MBps on each 10Gb Ethernet or 8Gb Fibre Channel route
Compression at 1.5Gbps
TCP/IP selective acknowledgement (SACK) of packets
Support for bandwidth throttling
Distances up to 250ms with TCP window size up to 16M
Trace route and ping support