C–Log Messages
C-2 ISR651101-00 J
TOE = TCP/IP offload engine module
User = User module
The Msg. Type column specifies the log message type, where:
Error = Error log message
Fatal = Fatal log message
Info = Informational log message
The Description column provides additional information about the log message.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages
ID Log Message
40967 QLBA_NullDoorbell: driver unloaded, port
App Error NULL doorbell routine for unloaded drivers. When a
driver is unloaded, the doorbell routine is redirected
to this NULL routine.
40996 QLBA_ProcessTrb: Processing unsupported
ordered tag command
App Error Processing unsupported ordered tag task manage-
ment command.
41004 QLBA_ProcessTrb: Processing unsupported
head of queue tag command
App Error Processing unsupported head-of-queue task man-
agement command.
41058 QLBA_CreateTargetDeviceObject: Too many
App Error Unable to create an object for the target device;
exceeded the maximum number of target devices.
41060 QLBA_CreateTargetNodeObject: Too many
App Error Unable to create an object for the target node;
exceeded the maximum number of target devices.
41067 QLBA_CreateLunObject: LunObject memory
App Error Memory unavailable for LUN object.