
3-26 Switch Management
GigWorks MkII-16 Switch Model MKII-BASE16
59003-01 Rev. A Installer's/User's Manual
Switch Utilities — Port Status
Port Status
Figure 3-9 Port Status Tab
Refer to Figure 3-9. The Port Status tab enables you to find the status of all ports
on the Switch and any connected Loop devices and to control the Mode of the
port (F or FL) and to enable or bypass Loop devices.
The Port Status screen has two windows, Port Status and Loop Status. Each
window has three buttons for control. A description of these windows and their
associated buttons follows.
Port Status Window
The Port Status Window contains five fields to describe each Switch port and
three buttons for control. The fields are Port, Status, Mode, Login-Status, and
AL-Enabled. The three buttons are Refresh, Toggle AL-Enabled, and Save
Changes. Descriptions follow.
When you open the Port Status tab the Utilities application polls the Switch to
find the information for each port. As long as the Port Status tab is open, the Port
Status window does not refresh unless it is told to. Refer to the Refresh button.