
3-44 Switch Management
GigWorks MkII-16 Switch Model MKII-BASE16
59003-01 Rev. A Installer's/User's Manual
Managing the Switch Using TFTP
If the Switch load process fails for any reason, the Switch control code saved in
the Switch flash is not valid and must be reloaded. If the Switch is reset with an
invalid control code in the Switch flash, it will automatically enter PROM mode.
In PROM mode, the Switch will not switch data traffic through the Fibre Channel
ports until a valid executable module is downloaded.
Loading New Management Interface Flash: (16-Port Switch only)
Load new flash code only under the direction of Ancor Customer Service. Ancor
will make this code available over the Internet. Move this executable module into
your local management station.
To load a new management interface flash into the Switch:
1. Connect to the Switch using TFTP.
2. Select binary file transfer mode.
3. Transfer the new management interface control code into the Switch file
named mkiimgmt.
For example, if the new management interface control code is in a local file
named s4mgmt.fls, then your TFTP session may look like this if you are using a
Unix management station:
#tftp (Start TFTP)
tftp> connect (Connect to the Switch using TFTP)
tftp> binary (Select binary file transfer mode)
binary mode
tftp> put s4mgmt.fls mkiimgmt (Transfer the file)
transferred 142204 bytes in 42.9 seconds.
tftp> quit
If the file transfer succeeds, the new management interface code has been saved
in the Switch flash, and will be executed next time the Switch is reset. A reset
operation takes place when the Switch power is cycled. You may also reset the
Switch using TFTP. This is described later in this section.
If the Switch load process fails for any reason, the new management interface
code saved in the Switch flash is not valid and must be reloaded before the
Switch undergoes a reset operation. If the Switch is reset with an invalid
executable in flash, it will not automatically enter PROM mode, but will continue
to switch data normally through the Fibre Channel ports. However, the
management functions will not be available. The next procedure in this section
explains how to load new management interface code when an invalid executable
in flash was placed in execution by a reset operation.