
GigWorks MkII-16 Switch Model MKII-BASE16
Installer's/User's Manual 59003-01 Rev. A
Switch Management 3-27
Switch Utilities — Port Status
Port Field: The Port field lists each port on the Switch.
Status Field: The Status field tells whether a port is Online or Offline.
Mode Field: The Mode field tells whether a port is operating as an F_Port, an
FL_Port, or a T_Port (Trunk Port in a multi-stage fabric).
Login Status Field: The Login Status field indicates whether or not a port is
Logged in.
AL-Enabled Field: The AL-Enabled field is user controlled.
If the AL-Enabled field for a particular port is labeled Yes, the port is allowed to
“self discover” its mode by determining the type of node port it is connected to. If
it is connected to an N_Port, the Switch port will operate as an F_Port. If it is
connected to an NL_Port, the Switch port will operate as an FL_Port.
If the AL-Enabled field for a particular port is labeled No, the port is forced to an
F_Port. Thus, if you have a single loop device (NL_Port) that is able operate with
either an FL_Port or an F_Port you have the option to force it to operate on an
If the field for a particular port is labeled N/A, the port can only be an F_Port.
The default for all ports on an 8-port Switch or half of the ports on a 16-port
Switch is Yes. If you want to toggle the enable for a particular port to No, select
(highlight) the port and click the Toggle AL-Enabled button. The attached device
is forced Offline and must re-establish port login with the Switch. The NL_Port
must be able to operate with an F_Port in order to re-establish Online Status.
Toggle AL-Enabled Button: This button toggles the AL-Enabled field for the
selected port. If the selected port is an FL_Port, toggling the AL-Enabled field to
No will immediately force the attached node Offline. The attached node must be
able to log in and operate on an F_Port.
Save Changes Button: If you don’t save the changes, the next time the Switch
initializes, it will use the previous AL-Enable settings. Click the Save Changes
button to use the changes permanently.
Refresh Button: Refreshes the information in the Port Status window and Loop
Devices window if an FL_Port is highlighted.
Loop Devices Window
The Loop Devices Window contains three fields, AL_PA, Status, and Login-
Status and four control buttons, Reset & Reinitialize Loop, Reinitialize Loop,
Enable all on Loop, and Toggle Bypass/Enable.
When you first open the Port Status tab the Loop Devices window is blank.
Select (highlight) an FL_Port in the Port Status window and the Utilities
application will poll the Switch to get the loop information. If the selected port is
an F_Port, the Loop Devices window is blank.
The amount of information the Switch knows about the devices on a loop