
3-40 Switch Management
GigWorks MkII-16 Switch Model MKII-BASE16
59003-01 Rev. A Installer's/User's Manual
Managing the Switch Using TFTP
Managing the Switch Using TFTP
The firmware in the Switch can be upgraded using the Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP). This is a standard utility included in most Unix and Windows
NT workstations. Versions for other platforms can be purchased from other
Because TFTP has no passwords, user authentication, or other security, only
trusted users should have access to the Switch through the Ethernet port.
Retrieving the Current Switch Management Configuration File ( config ):
The Switch file named config contains the current management configuration of
the Switch management processes, including the IP network configuration
parameters, and the SNMP configuration parameters.
To retrieve the Switch configuration file:
1 Connect to the Switch using TFTP.
2. Select text file transfer mode.
3. Retrieve the file named config.
The actual keystrokes for the above steps varies depending on the operating
system of the management station. For example, your TFTP session may look
like this if you are using a Unix system as a management station:
#tftp (Start TFTP)
tftp>connect (Connect to the Switch. This example uses
the default netAddress for the Switch)
tftp> text (Select text file mode.)
text mode
tftp> get config (Retrieve the file named config. )
transferred 254 bytes in 0.5 seconds.
tftp> quit (Exit TFTP)
#cat config (Look at the contents of the config file.)
Before you use TFTP you must connect the Switch’s Ethernet interface to an
Ethernet network and configure its IP network address, its IP subnetwork
mask, and its IP gateway address. Refer to the Ethernet Cabling and
Configuring the Switch Ethernet Port paragraphs in this section.