B – Command Line Interface
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59042-00 A B-41
FBusy Number of times the switch sent a P_BSY
because Class 2 frame could not be
delivered within ED_TOV time. Number of
class 2 and class 3 fabric busy (F_BSY)
frames generated by this port in response
to incoming frames. This usually indicates
a busy condition on the fabric or N_port
that is preventing delivery of this frame.
Flowerrors Received a frame when there were no
available credits.
FReject Number of frames from devices that were
InvalidCRC Invalid CRC detected.
InvalidDestAddr Invalid destination address detected.
LIP ALPD ALPS Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD
(vendor specific) resets, performed.
LIPF7ALPS This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An
L_port, identified by AL_PS, may have
noticed a performance degradation and is
trying to restore the loop.
LIPF8ALPS This LIP denotes a loop failure detected by
the L_port identified by AL_PS.
LIPF7F7 A loop initialization primitive frame used to
acquire a valid AL_PA.
LIPF8F7 A loop initialization primitive frame used to
indicate that a loop failure has been
detected at the receiver.
Link Failures Number of optical link failures detected by
this port. A link failure is a loss of
synchronization for a period of time
greater than the value of R_T_TOV or by
loss of signal while not in the offline state.
A loss of signal causes the switch to
attempt to re-establish the link. If the link is
not re-established by the time specified by
R_T_TOV, a link failure is counted. A link
reset is performed after a link failure.
Login Time when user logged in.
Table B-11. Show Port Parameters (Continued)
Entry Description