B – Command Line Interface
Image Command
59042-00 A B-13
Image Command
Manages and installs switch firmware.
Authority Admin
Syntax image
fetch [account_name] [ip_address] [file_source] [file_destination]
unpack [file]
Keywords cleanup
Removes the firmware image file from the switch. The firmware image file is
removed automatically each time the switch is reset.
fetch [account_name] [ip_address] [file_source] [file_destination]
Retrieves image file given by [file_source] and stores it on the switch with the file
name given by [file_destination]. The image file is retrieved from the device with
the IP address given by [ip_address] and an account name given by
[account_name]. If an account name needs a password to access the device, the
system will prompted you for it.
Displays the list of image files that reside on the switch.
unpack [file]
Installs the firmware file given by [file]. After unpacking the file, a message
appears confirming successful unpacking. The switch must be reset for the new
firmware to take effect.