Chapter 5: USB Profiles
USB profile Description
Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting Profile 3
• Mass Storage first
• Keyboard and Mouse (Type 2)
• USB bus speed limited to
full-speed (12 MBit/s)
• Virtual CD-ROM and disk drives
cannot be used simultaneously
WARNING: USB enumeration will
trigger whenever Virtual Media is
connected or disconnected.
Use Full Speed for Virtual
Media CIM
Use Full Speed for Virtual Media CIM
This profile resembles the behavior of
the original KX2 release with Full
Speed for Virtual Media CIM option
checked. Useful for BIOS that cannot
handle High Speed USB devices.
• USB bus speed limited to
full-speed (12 MBit/s)
Selecting Profiles for a KVM Port
The Dominion KX II comes with a set of USB profiles that you can assign
to a KVM port based on the characteristics of the KVM target server it
connects to. You assign USB profiles to a KVM port in the Device
Settings > Port Configuration > Port page in either the Dominion KX II
Remote or Local Console.
It is the administrator that designates the profiles that are most likely to
be needed for a specific target. These profiles are then available for
selection via MPC/VKC. If a profile has not been made available, you
can access any of the available profiles by selecting USB Profile > Other
Assigning USB profiles to a KVM port makes those profiles available to a
user when connected to a KVM target server. If required, the user can
select a USB profile from the USB Profile menu in VKC or MPC.
For information about assigning USB profiles to a KVM port, see
Configuring USB Profiles (Port Page) (on page 167).