Appendix A: Specifications
Language Regions Keyboard layout
Hong Kong S. A. R., Republic of
China (Taiwan)
Chinese Traditional
Mainland of the People’s
Republic of China
Chinese Simplified
Korean South Korea Dubeolsik Hangul
Japanese Japan JIS Keyboard
French France French (AZERTY)
layout keyboard.
German Germany and Austria German keyboard
(QWERTZ layout)
Belgian Belgium Belgian
Norwegian Norway Norwegian
Danish Denmark Danish
Swedish Sweden Swedish
Hungarian Hungary Hungarian
Slovenian Slovenia Slovenian
Italian Italy Italian
Spanish Spain and most Spanish
speaking countries
Supported Operating Systems (Clients)
The following operating systems are supported on the Virtual KVM
Client™ and Multi-Platform Client (MPC):
Client OS Virtual media (VM) support on client
Windows XP® Yes
Windows 2000 SP4® Yes
Windows Vista® Yes
Red Hat® Linux 9.0 Yes. Locally held ISO image, Remote
File Server mounting directly from
Dominion KX II
Red Hat Enterprise
Workstation 3.0 and 4.0
Yes. Locally held ISO image, Remote
File Server mounting directly from
Dominion KX II