Chapter 7: Device Management
Generic Blade Chassis Configuration
The Generic Blade Chassis' selection provides only a manual
configuration mode of operation. See Supported Blade Chassis
Models (on page 160), Su
pported CIMs for Blade Chassis (o
n page
161), and Required and Recommend
ed Blade Chassis
Configurations (on page 163) for important, additional information when
ng the blade chassis.
1. Connect the blade chassis to the Dominion KX II. See Step 3:
Connect the Equipment (on page 25) for details.
2. Select Device
Settings > Port Configuration to open the Port
Configuration page.
3. On the Port Configuration page, click on the name of the blade
chassis you want to configure. The Port page will open.
4. Select the Blade Chassis radio button. The page will then display the
necessary fields to configure a blade chassis.
5. Select Generic from the Blade Server Chassis Model drop-down.
6. Configure the blade chassis as applicable.
a. Switch Hot Key Sequence - Define the hot key sequence that will
be used to switch from KVM to the blade chassis. The Switch
Hot Key Sequence must match the sequence used by the KVM
module in the blade chassis.
b. Administrative Module Primary IP Address/Host Name - Not
c. Maximum Number of Slots - Enter the default maximum number
of slots available on the blade chassis.
d. Port Number - The default port number for the blade chassis is
22. Not applicable.
e. Username - Not applicable.
f. Password - Not applicable.
7. Change the blade chassis name if needed.
8. Indicate the blades that are installed in the blade chassis by
checking the Installed checkbox next to each slot that has a blade
installed. Alternatively, use the Select All checkbox. If needed,
change the blade server names.
9. In the Blade Chassis Managed Links section of the page, you are
able to configure the connection to a blade chassis web browser
interface if one is available. Click the Blade Chassis Managed Links
to expand the section on the