Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers
Connection Information
To obtain information about your Virtual KVM Client
• Choose Connection > Connection Info. The Connection Info window
The following information is displayed about the current connection:
• Device Name - The name of the Dominion KX II device.
• IP Address - The IP address of the Dominion KX II device.
• Port - The KVM communication TCP/IP port used to access the
target device.
• Data In/Second - Data rate in.
• Data Out/Second - Data rate out.
• Connect Time - The duration of the connect time.
• FPS - The frames per second transmitted for video.
• Horizontal Resolution - The screen resolution horizontally.
• Vertical Resolution - The screen resolution vertically.
• Refresh Rate - How often the screen is refreshed.
• Protocol Version - RFB Protocol version.
To copy this information:
• Click Copy to Clipboard. The information is available to be pasted
into the program of your choice.
Keyboard Options
Keyboard Macros
Keyboard macros ensure that keystroke combinations intended for the
target server are sent to and interpreted only by the target server.
Otherwise, they might be interpreted by the computer on which the
Virtual KVM Client is running (your client PC).
Macros are stored on the client PC and are PC-specific. Therefore, if you
use another PC, you will not see your macros. In addition, if another
person uses your PC and logs in under a different name, that user will
see your macros since they are computer-wide. Keyboard macros
created in the Virtual KVM Client are available in MPC and vice versa.